deKay's Lofi Gaming

Monster Hunter Tri (Wii)

Hooray! I’m back in! After more than 70 kills or captures of Royal Ludroths, I finally got a crest drop! It came on a(nother) replay of the 3* Royal Ludroth hunt quest, appearing in the quest rewards after defeating him. Many many times I’ve already done this quest, and nothing. Gah! But I’m over that little hurdle now, and am well away again. With the crest, I forged a new sword with water powaz, which I used to slaughter the …

Monster Hunter Tri (Wii)

Unfortunately, I think I’m coming to the end of my fun with this. I’m stuck, or rather, the game is stuck. I’m trying to obtain a Royal Ludroth Crest so that I can create a water-affinity sword to enable me to defeat the Barroth. Problem is that despite the crest having a 60-odd% drop rate (so long as you smash the crest on the Ludroth’s head), after almost 60 kills or captures I just ONE crest. And that was from …

Metroid Prime Hunters (DS)

So it seems that I was about a minute away from a save point. Well, actually I was less than a minute from a warp back to my ship, which is a save point. Anyway. Warped and saved. Then decided to play a couple of multiplayer games online. Just played against random people, and on my first game the host quit. On the second game, however, I came second. Which is pretty good, I thought. The trick seems to be …


More of the same, it seems. They’d captured my family and tied them up in a zoo, so I had to rescue them. If I was seen, they’d be killed. Things were made somewhat easier by the use of a tranquiliser gun I “found”, which allowed me to drop baddies from a distance before walking up, loud as I liked, and butchering them as they slept. Yes, it is a lovely game.


Hmm. I’m getting the impression that Manhunt is actually a bit pants. More than a bit pants, in fact. Once you get past the SUPARBESTness of being able to bat a thug’s head clean off, it all boils down to a poorly controlled stealth game. Not the sort of game I like, either. Highlights today were the (two) magnetic crane sections, where you had to drop a freezer on some baddies, and the surprise-the-thug-on-the-toilet bit, where you chuck a brick …

Hatoful Boyfriend (Vita): COMPLETED!

When I looked up how long a game this is, I read it took about 8 hours to finish. So imagine my surprise when I reached the end credits in about 50 minutes. Afterwards, it became clear that I got just one of many endings. Presumably my choices affect which bird I end up becoming close to, and since I spent all my time choosing the library, I got Nageki’s ending. Nageki who was… a ghost. WoooOOOO! Oh, spoiler. Sorry. …

Things I’ve been playing recently

A lot of things, it seems. I’ve had a glut of new games over the last month and I’ve been playing each for a short time. I’ve yet to settle down and just work on one or two, so I’ve not made much progress in each. So here’s a list, in no particular order: Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition (Vita) My subscription to PS+ was autorenewed before I could cancel it (the whole service got DDOS’d and I couldn’t log …

The 2013 Gaming Expenditure Horror

It’s that time again, where I perform an autopsy on my games spending over the last 12 months. Some real changes this year as well. Let’s have a look at how the total compares: 2010 – £590.32 2011 – £888.22 2012 – £834.48 2013 – £342.82 So, a massive 58.9% decrease in spending. That’s a lot. However, there’s a reason for much, but not all, of that – in 2011 I bought a 3DS (and a PS3), and in 2012 …

The 2010 Gaming Expenditure Horror

I’ve been tracking which games I play, on my Gaming Diary, for 6 years now. It’s helped me realise how many different games I play, and how many I complete. This year, however, I’ve additionally started tracking the games I buy, and how much I paid for them – the aim being to scare myself into how much I spend on gaming. Thing is, just knowing that it’s logged has actually made me more frugal with my spending. Not only …

Irritating and Unnecessary Gaming Clichés

I’ve been gaming for a long time. This is obvious to anyone who has perused the rest of my site (the Gaming Diary and Museum both give clues to this). I’ve played a lot of games. Hundreds. Thousands, in fact. It would be naïve to assume that, having played so many games, gaming ideas are only ever used once, and so each game is an entirely unique experience. This is, of course, not true. Some things come up all the …

Banjo-Kazooie (360): COMPLETED!

Played this a lot yesterday and today, culminating in a 100% completion this afternoon. Although I’ve played it a few times before (on the N64), I never, ever, managed to defeat the final boss. Today, however, I did – and after only 4 or 5 attempts! She was still hard, but for some reason I found it very easy on my successful attempt, losing hardly any life at all (and none until the final Jinjonator bit). So, complete! I still …